Risk Management

At Sierra STEM, we recognize that it is impossible to avoid all risks in place-based experiential learning programs, and - in fact - many of the outdoor education programs we run come with some inherent risks that we must work together with schools, families, and participants to mitigate and manage. The central commitment of our approach to risk management is to embrace the challenges of outdoor learning while supporting the physical and emotional well being of every participant.

All of our programs – from in-school workshops to cabin-based retreats to wilderness adventures – involve some form of risk, and we believe that the most prudent and educational approach is to actively recognize, discuss, and manage developmentally appropriate risks in collaboration with program participants. Our Participatory Risk Management framework is a holistic approach that engages students in assessing and mitigating the risks we encounter both individually and as a group.

Plans and Protocols

Every program Sierra STEM runs includes a comprehensive risk management plan and set of emergency protocols that are custom-built for the specific program, school, and setting. Those plans are made available to school administrators well before a program takes place, allowing ample time for discussion and adjustment. Pursuant to one of our core values, evidence-based practice, all of our risk management protocols are based on the best available research, our extensive experience, and in line with industry standards and best practices.

To ensure we understand the risks associated with any given program, we always scout locations in advance of programs. All facilitators are certified in wilderness medicine, and each group carries well-equipped first-aid kits, a satellite communication device, and a radio walkie-talkie. As an organization, we practice wilderness medicine and emergency scenarios regularly, even in the off-season, to keep our skills fresh.

Participatory Risk Management

Participatory Risk Management (PRM) is a framework for approaching risks that embraces healthy risk-taking behaviors, empowers students to collaboratively assess and manage risks, and elevates leadership skills, self-awareness, and team communication competencies, all while mitigating real risks in educational programs.

The idea of PRM is well established in fields such as nuclear power generation, surgery and medicine, and mining. The goal in those industries - as well as in outdoor education - is to build a system of analysis, communication, and mitigation that facilitates good decision making while empowering individuals and centering communities.

Six Principles of Sierra STEM’s Participatory Risk Management Framework

Beneficial Risks

It is both impossible and undesirable to avoid all risks. Participants learn the most when they experience healthy discomfort, so we train them to recognize, assess, and mitigate developmentally appropriate risks in a given context.

Resource Engagement

Each person - a facilitator, a school chaperone, a student, a medical professional - has capabilities and capacities that are assets to a group navigating a risky situation.

Risk Management as a Skill

Like any skill that improves with use, risk management practices improve over time when they are regularly engaged, tested, and assessed. Participatory Risk Management is central to our Social/Emotional Learning pedagogy at Sierra STEM.

Expert Facilitation

Participating in an activity with someone who has the appropriate skillset to lead a group through potentially challenging scenarios helps everyone learn how best to address risks. We are proud of the diverse and extensive experience and training our expert facilitators bring to every program.

Community-Centered Decisions

Group decisions take into account the safety and well being of our internal community, any external communities with which we may interact, and our surrounding ecological communities.

Near Miss Evaluation

The review and assessment of any incident (or narrowly avoided incident) is an important part of understanding the risks we face and is critical to making appropriate adjustments for the future.