The Sierra STEM Difference

Bringing your curricular goals to life in incredible outdoor classrooms


Our small, locally based organization is woven into the fabric of our community and each team member has a strong connection to the mountains and deserts where we live and teach. During Sierra STEM programming, students travel in Living and Learning Communities, where they explore, discover, cook, and live in community with one another.

A group of fifth graders washing dishes at a campground


We collaborate with educators to build the ideal learning experience for your students through deep curricular integration, relationship-building, and custom-built programs (from big picture learning goals to logistical nuts and bolts) for every trip. Our expertise is in bringing your curriculum to life in our incredible outdoor classrooms.

An instructor holds a diagram of hydroelectric generation in front of Hetch Hetchy dam


Every program tells the interwoven human, ecological, and geologic stories of the unique places we visit, and each trip is custom-built to incorporate several of the following:

  • Place-Based Multidisciplinary Learning

  • Hands-On STEM Enrichment Activities, Labs, and Fieldwork

  • Explicit Integration of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

  • High Adventure Activities and Wilderness Skills

  • Teamwork and Leadership Development

  • Environmental Stewardship and Service Learning

  • Reflective Journaling and Social-Emotional Learning

We also always integrate our Participatory Risk Management framework, which teaches students to critically and collaboratively manage the risks we face in outdoor environments.

We look forward to partnering with you! Contact us for more information about our approach, our process, or to discuss program opportunities.