Professional Development

Research in organizational psychology is clear that pausing periodically from the hustle of everyday operations to make time and space for professional development and teambuilding is one of the best investments an organization can make. The benefits for employees’ mental health and the establishment or reinforcement of positive, resilient professional relationships among your team will increase productivity, promote strategic alignment, identify unmet needs of your team, and reduce burnout and turnover. Using this time intentionally can also allow you to catch previously unidentified friction points, communicate or gain alignment on strategic priorities, and reflect on past successes or failures to enhance future performance.

Sierra STEM partners with for-profit and non-profit organizations to facilitate Professional Development Days, new employee or new team onboarding sessions, immersive organizational culture and climate assessments, leadership and strategic planning retreats, and offsite teambuilding events. Whether you are interested in investing 3 hours or 3 days, whether you are interested in convening in-person or in-silica, whether you are interested in traveling to the mountains or to your local brewery, Sierra STEM can help you identify goals for your team’s next Professional Development experience, and then we will plan and execute it to help you achieve those goals.