Conceptions of Community

The Conceptions of Community Trip was designed as a “cabin-camping” trip during which students (Grades 6-12) participate in a 6-day/5-night exploration of the many properties that define a “community.” This trip was designed to interweave key concepts from Life/Earth Science and California State History with a heavy emphasis on DEI learnings.


Each day, students travel from their “basecamp” in the Eastern Sierra to different sites along US 395 to address a different aspect and example of community:

  • Day 1: What is a community? How do I fit into mine?

  • Day 2: Ecological and Political History of Dewatering of the Eastern Sierra (Mono Basin Scenic Area Visitor Center; South Tufa State Natural Reserve)

  • Day 3: Native Communities in the Eastern Sierra (Paiute-Shoshone Cultural Center)

  • Day 4: The Role of Fire in Ecological Communities (Convict Lake Service Learning Project)

  • Day 5: Community Resilience During Japanese Internment (Manzanar National Historic Site)

  • Day 6: What is a community? How do I fit into mine?


The Conceptions of Community Trip culminates with a powerful visit to Manzanar National Historic Site, where thousands of Japanese Americans suffered internment during World War II.

In addition to completing daily reading and reflection activities, students work in teams to complete daily tasks (e.g., cooking, cleaning, planning evening activities) and participate in teambuilding programming. The opening and closing bonfires are meaningful highlights during this powerful weeklong, community-building experience.

What do you want to explore?

Climate change?

Fire ecology?

Nature writing?

Geological history?

Research methods?

Sierra STEM works directly with educational partners to build custom Experiential Learning programs to fit your needs.